Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Resolution

My New Years Resolution is to quit trying to make everyone happy. No one can tell me what to do unless they are actually in my situation. You always think you know what you would do and say what you would do, but until it actually happens to you, you really don't know.People who are supposed to be your family will help you, as long as you do what they want you to do. It is my life. It may not be the one they would have chose for me, (or me for myself for that matter) but it's the one I have and I am going to make something of it. In trying to always pick the popular decision and make others happy you only succeed in doing one thing...making yourself miserable. So basically...*#@! everyone else and here's to me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good drinking toast. F@#$k everyone else, Here's To ME! I'll drink to that!