Friday, May 23, 2008

Recent News

I have not been around so I can't even remember where I left off.

Kickball is on June 21. RG and MOF said they wanted spots so I sent a text to give them the heads up I needed to know if they were in or out asap because we have a waiting list to play on our team. Wouldn't you know it? RG can't be bothered to respond that he wasn't coming with me to the wedding but he responded within 30 seconds that he was in for kickball. No apology no nothing just, "I'm in." I told him he owed my sister $7 and he wrote back banter for her and beating him at BIG BUCK HUNTER. I said "tell her" and forwarded her number. I will be civil but I wasn't going to play whatever game he was.

I have not got the date lined up that I want yet. It is hard when there is substantial drive time involved.

I have not been horny at all. Could be from the types of people I have chosen to be FWB's. Glad I did it but I am glad they are both over.

I have been interviewing for new jobs and have a couple great prospects.

I have to keep reminding myself that boring can be good.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I Should Have Known

I should have that eventually things between RG and me would fizzle out. I did not think it would be our friendship just the sex. I thought it would be because I had feelings so we would just go back to the way things were. I never thought that he
would, after 12 years of being friends, treat me the same way he does any other bar whore he takes home.

I didn't want a date for my sisters wedding. He volunteered...twice. I thought that the day might be emotionally hard for me so it might be nice to have a friend there for moral support. Not a date but someone that would not think I was an idiot if I broke down in tears for a brief period. I told him he could go and when he asked what time I wanted him I said 8.

Text chat on Sunday I asked if he was still up for the 10th and he said yes he was. I left a couple of texts through out the week because with his crazy schedule that is the best way to contact him. No message came back saying that he wasn't coming or anything like so I told him I would bring his glass and sunglass case and would see him after 8. That fucker, who has been there for me through everything the last 12 years, no called and no showed on me.If it had been anyone else it would have been as bad as what he did. I could have had 4 other dates, but #1 I didn't want a date and #2 my friend said he was going.

I will honestly say that it would not have mattered if we had been having sex or not. This is a deal breaker on a friendship level. You don't do that to a friend. Much less it is almost a week later and I still don't have an apology or an explanation. Fuck you RG, fuck you.

The Date

The date on Thursday went well. He said that he was looking to move out of here and go somewhere else. That right there put a kabash on any romantic relationship. Just what I want...start dating a man who decides it's time to move half way across the country. I must say that I have been very lucky on the last 2 internet dates I have gone on. Both gentleman were very nice and had posted recent pictures so they were not misrepresenting themselves. Refreshing to see that after my dating encounters 7 years ago.No romantic connections which must be why I haven't heard from either of them again but I still have one more yet to get set up. I am hoping for Saturday.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Home-Wreckers Cause

So when HW text me her message read "If you need help destroying WOS just let me know, I'll help." Imagine my surprise! I thought it might be WOS playing a trick on me so I would call him so I wrote a message back asking who it was. "HW" was the answer. I called Harley to see if she would double check for sure but she was on a conference call and couldn't answer. She wrote me a text that said, "It's her. Call her." So I did.

Come to find out WOS had taken her van when he was supposed to pick up the kids from school and her from work and "rented" it out to 3 thug drug dealers from Chicago. This is not the first time. This was the reason she called me a year and a half ago because he had done the same thing but she didn't see her van for 5 days then. She also said that she was moving so he was supposed to be at home helping clean. He helped her clean...all the electronics to the pawn shop! She reported it to the police but I have yet to hear if they have done anything.

I got a few jabs in on her...(she is a HW after all so I had to make sure she got some harrassment from me for fucking my husband.) I told her that even though she didn't have the decency to tell me the truth when I asked her point blank, I on the other hand did have enough class to tell her. I told her that everytime WOS comes over to see his daughter we fuck and he tells me how much he loves and loves our duaghter and would do anything to get his family back. (Total BS by the way!) She said that she knows he loves me and told him that if there was a chance he needed to try and work it out. I told her I have way to much class to take back a dirty, piece of shit.

So anyway we will see what transpires as the court date draws near.