Monday, December 04, 2006

It's time to move on when...

your husband breaks into his parents house, steals their checkbook and writes out checks to himself. This is otherwise know as breaking and entering and fraud, both of which are felonies punishable by prison time. I think it is safe to say that he has offically hit rock bottom. Today is his 36th birthday. There is a warrant out for his arrest and I think that no matter what happens now I can rest assured that there is no way in hell that he would be able to get shared custody of my daughter. I was contemplating postponing the divorce because I am afraid the justice system would fail my daughter. He just took a whole lotta strain off me, except financially.Milwaukee Girl said that while he is making license plates for the next 5 years that he should have to send me some of that for child support. I never thought it would go this far.
On a happier note:I have a date on Thursday. Don't get too excited, this is a very good friend of mine who owed me so I am dragging him along to my work X-mas party.Yes I have made out with him before on my birthday a few years back and things were a little wierd for a while but I don't think he would be the best suited Husband #2. I haven't kissed anyone but my husband since September of '03. The excitement to start dating again and get my dream back is very thrilling. I can't compete with MG anymore, (I never could keep everyone straight like she did) but I think I may be able to get a few good stories in.

1 comment:

Milwaukee Girl said...

One day until you make out with long-haired Mr. OB! Hey - he owes you after the horses!