Monday, December 17, 2007


How do you sET boundaries for Friends with Benefits? I am struggling with this because:
1. I have a very strong sexual appetite. (You would to if you hadn't had it in almost a year.)
2. I don't want to come across as stalkerish or make it seem like I am interested in relationship and freak out RG.

While I like the idea of a relationship, I know that most people aren't going to persue anything until after my divorce is really final. I also know that I can't have the same dating scenarios I did in my younger, before kid days. I need to figure out how to date while having my daughter because that definately changes things.

Cosmo had an article this month about FWB and I didn't really find out anything except that you really need to have "the talk." I guess if you are good enough friends to have sex then you should probably also be good enough friends to discuss it. I, in fact, have not spoken to him since that night except via text messaging and we all know how things can get lost in translation.

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