Saturday, December 08, 2007

Friends With Benefits

I suck at the whole "blog" thing. I was never good at the "journal" thing or the "diary" thing either. Now with all my jobs and raising my little girl on my own I really don't have time. However I am going to blow if I can't talk to someone about this, although no one is supposed to know, so here is my safety net. So while my divorce is still not final and my court date for that is not until July I needed to fully and completely get on with my life. To "Rip Off " the proverbial band-aid and just do it. All women have needs. After almost a year of no sex (with another person being involved) I decided that maybe friends with benefits would work. It all seemed like a win-win situation. I am way to busy, and still legally married to put any real effort into a relationship. I don't have to purchase presents or do ego boosting. I make a booty call, take care of some stress at the same time and then he leaves. No stings attached, just sex. After racking my brain, and those of fiends in trying to find my FWB my horse racing friends' name kept coming up. I really balked at that idea but for some reason he is all I have been thinking about. I haven't seen him in months but he is there in my dreams every night and is always everything a woman dreams of.I never woke up unsatisfied. Well he agreed to be my date for my company Christmas party. He was the PERFECT date!!! He opened all my doors, was attentive, amusing, did the hand on my back thing.If thishad been my first date with someone new I would have been blown away impressed and I would have said yes to another date. That being said one thing led to another and we ended up having sex. I am not talking normal sex I am speaking of the kind that MG craves. The grab you by the back of the neck, press you up against a wall, uninhibited sex.The weird thing is that we have been friends for like 12 years or so and the sex was not weird. It was a long time coming. I thought that by just doing it and getting it over it would allow me to quit thinking about RG. He was better in real life than I had even dreamed. I will admit that I was selfish but hey, I haven't had sex in almost a year so I was entitled. Things weren't perfect but even the little things that come up that are sometimes deal breakers or uncomfortable weren't. Even afterward things weren't weird. There was an article in the paper not too long ago discussing whether FWB could work. I used to think so. Now I am wondering if I picked the wrong friend.

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