Saturday, March 08, 2008


My life has been pretty uneventful lately. WOS has a job I guess so I called Child Support Recovery Services to see if he had turned in anything and they said I turned it in. He was going to try and get a week or more without having to pay but lucky for me Harley Chick called to let me know. Stupid, stupid crackhead!

I went to Outback with her and one of her friends last night and had TOO MUCH wine. I came home drunk and masturbated but I really just need some dick because it didn't do me any good. Maybe I was too drunk. What a waste of my time. No I have not made a booty call to RG nor am I going to. He knows where to find me if he wants some but I am too hot to beg for sex from anyone.

I have discovered a new blog that I LOVE! It is along the lines of Post Secret but it is all about dating, love and sex. FUNNY SHIT!!

On even less exciting things...I have started potty training for my daughter. I registered her for preschool next year and I can't believe she will be in school! Hard to believe she will be 3 in June and that I have done this by myself for so long. I don't know if I can do this by myself any longer. Some days it is SO hard. I won't have kids past 35 due to all the problems that may come along but if I am better off a year from now then maybe I can do it on my own and I may see if a "donation" can be made so I can have another before the big 35. If I can get the finances figured out then I wouldn't be stressing so much. I just want my kids to have more than I did.

well motherhood calls so I am off. I expect to have all kinds of good things to report next weekend. It is the bachlorette party afterall.

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