Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weekend Recap

Wow! It is amazing how good I feel after 12 hours of sleep. From learning about the baby to the bachlorette party and St. Patricks Day and out again on Friday with an after hours booty call in there I was in desperate need of sleep. No wonder I felt like I was going to black out. The past two weeks have been a whirlwind and I must say that I am glad they are over. Hopefully now my life will get back to normal.

Friday Harley and I went back to Teeghans...they remembered us. Went to the Chrome Horse. Pissed off Andrea but we are all good now. Booty came and left. I wanted seconds but he went home because he was tired.

Saturday was pretty uneventful. Open house and then ataunt's for dinner. Home by 7:00, in bed and asleep by 8:15. Wonderful! Woke up at 1:30 to the sound of my dog puking. Fucking fabulous! I let it go. Sleep and then the steam cleaner.

Sunday morning got up and helped my daughter find her Easter basket, put her in the tub, steamed cleaned carpet in 2 rooms plus the hall. Hey, if I am pulling it out I may as well do as much as I can. Heading over to Grandma's at noon.

The best part of the last 2 weeks...I have only heard from WOS once and that was last Saturday right before the bachlorette party. I didn't answer the phone since the divorce papers have not been signed and I told him I would not accept communication from him until they were. He left such a great voice message. Whining and crying about how he just got the papers and that he is not paying for my lawyer since I wanted the divorce and how I had him served while he was in treatment and yada yada yada bull shit. He doesn't want to be married to me anyomre either and that it is an attempt to see his daughter and how is it in her best interest to keep her from her dad.

My daughter was staying with SIL for the night and I called to give her a heads up that he was on the war path. She said that he called and was going off and she told him that he was not welcome at her house. He was too mad and acting too crazy and she didn't want him to upset my daughter. He got all pissed off at her because she wouldn't let him see her either. Wake up dumb ass, maybe that should tell you something. I have bent over backwards to try and make sure I was accomodating when he wanted to see her but it just got to be it was when it was convenient for him and not so much in her best interest. 40 minutes 3 times a month is more detrimental to my daughter than not seeing her dad at all. It was a tough call to make but that is why I am a parent, to protect my daughter from harm and help her grow her self confidence and esteem.

I really don't want this to go to court because it is going to get really ugly and lots of people are going to get hurt.


Milwaukee Girl said...

I'd kill for 12 hours!

daynad228 said...

I'd kill for 12 hours of sex right about now. Orgasms are the only thing keeping me sane and unfortunately RG doesn't put out enough for my liking. Nothing like being in the middle of a divorce during my sexual peak and having a FWB that can't provide it enough.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is more depressing than hearing the dog puke first thing in the morning. Not even awake and you already have ten minutes of stinky work in front of you. You've definitley had a hectic 2008 so far, it can only get better from here.

daynad228 said...

I am not going to complain about 2008 because I actually feel alive for the first time in years and I am doing things. I have had so much fun in the first 3 months I can hardly wait to see how the rest of the years goes!

Anonymous said...

ORly? If you think this year is going good so far, imagine how three normal months would be :)