Sunday, March 02, 2008

Things Not To Say

If a hot chick makes a booty call to you DO NOT reply with the word "Maybe." What the fuck kind of response is maybe. You are either free and interested or have plans but can raincheck another time. I am throughly confused, when , if you are just having No Strings Attached sex, is something you should not be. RG tells me in Fun City that he doesn't want me fucking anyone else. Then turns around and gives me a maybe. Is he into our sexcapades or not? I seem to think "or not" because I am the one who always makes the call or text. But he has never outright told me no either. RG told me maybe last night. I told him he was a stupid fuck because I offered sex and he said maybe. So maybe next time. He came back with he had friends in town and said it would be late so it was my call or he was free eariler. I told him that if there is a next time it's his call to make but not to worry because we are good. I am not going to ruin a great friendship over sex. It just bothers me that I always have to be the one to make the call. So I am off to find a back up. I want someone who will call me too. (What does your "book" say about that situation MG?)Read On....

Went with my sister and our friend to "our bar". While we were innocently drinking and playing Big Buck Hunter a fun, decent looking guy comes over and chats us up. Our friend is always an instigator and convinces him to try and touch the ceiling.
(13 feet high) He begins to disrobe, ie. takes off the warm up pants and sweat shirt and proceeds to try. Never makes it but then they start talking about muscles. He does a little dance and our friend asks him if he can strip for my sisters' bachlorette party. He proceeds to give us a preview. First he shows us his butt. Ladies, this is the kind of butt that we masturbate to. Tight, high could seriously bounce quarters off it. Next his abs...need to do some laundry? If he was a slight better looking I would have made him my new fuck friend. Anyway, he then did a lap dance for us...using my lap. Pulled the front of my shirt down and used tongue from my cleavage to my ear. The rest of the night he made it very known that he was all about me. Very touchy feely and quite verbal. I had been drinking tequilla and with a semi-decent looking man giving me all this fabulous attention it is no wonder i was horny. I should have made him my booty call and gotten it out of my system. Thank God we had gone to the porn store before all the margs because I came home alone and needed a release.

It is Sunday night and WOS is supposed to report for a drug test for a job. Harley Chick (our friend that just got divorced) asked him if he would be able to pass the piss test. His reply was "I hope so!" Stupid fuck!

I left my coat at the bar but left feeling VERY good about myself. I just wish I wasn't still so damn horny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you could use his stomach for a washboard but he still wasn't good enough looking for a hookup? Tough standards.